


1.                     JimÕs dog ran  the bed.

2.                     Do you like her  coat?

3.                     What is  name?

4.                     ThatÕs a  baby.

5.                     DonÕt  the hot stove.

6.                     TylerÕs sister is a  lady.

7.                     A  boys came to the party.

8.                     Do you like rap ?

9.                      The cat went to  his litter box.

10.          Logan went to put  in his truck.

11.          The air conditioning  is broken in the mall.

12.          How  does a candy bar cost?

13.          It takes  along time to drive to Rapid City.

14.          How old are ?

15.          Please     finger to follow along as  read.

16.          The  body has 206 bones.